Welcome to the Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC), Ukpom, Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria! Our college is the 1954 brainchild of the Lawrence Avenue Church of Christ, Nashville Tennessee, USA but since 1957, the College has been under the sponsorship of the African Christian Schools Foundation (ACSF) with its Corporate Headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Driven by Christian Service, we exist “to provide opportunities for academic excellence in the training of preachers, teachers and missionaries for the service of the church and government in the entire Nigerian society and beyond.” Over the years we have continued to provide scriptural, spiritual and educational shaping and training for would-be preachers/teachers of the gospel who want to fulfill their ministry. The divine task of producing, “servant leaders who are academically qualified and properly equipped to minister in God’s kingdom wherever they go” remains our watch-word.
NCBC runs a Diploma in Theology programme on full-time, part-time and on-line basis. This makes the programme flexible and brings the training closer to those who desire to study the Bible but find it difficult on account of time and busy schedules. We equally run two degree programmes - a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Education and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious studies - all affiliated to the University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State.These programmes are packaged in such a way that our specific goals and priorities are achieved through them.
The National Universities Commission (NUC) had come for accreditation of these programmes in 2009, 2014, 2016 and 2022. NCBC’s name is in the JAMB brochure and our degree students receive admission letters from JAMB. The Degree certificates are only signed by the University of Calabar. On successful completion of our degree programme, our products are mobilized for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).
The College is blessed with a robust academic staff profile with well versed, experienced and specialized personnel in relevant education and religious studies. We, at present, have qualified scholars in the fields of Old Testament studies, New Testament studies, philosophy of religion, sociology of religion, ethics, Christian ministry, Christian theology, African Traditional Religion, among others. We are also blessed with education majors handling education related areas. With these qualified academic staff, the college teaches biblical languages – Hebrew and Greek extensively thereby making her products better Bible interpreters, teachers and scholars.
The College Library (Cato library), has for so many years, remained an avenue through which Bible scholars from all walks of life get access to quality information resources for their studies and researches. Our internet facility, the Star link internet, is second to none. With the installation of Star link internet on our campus, the college E-library facility is well improved.
We have both male and female hostels for students accommodation. At present, we have good water and electricity. These were made possible by the Green-hill Church of Christ, USA, President Chad Wagner and the African Christian Schools Foundation (ACSF) and the Akwa Ibom State Government which graciously donated our transformer.
To further make students academically sound as well as field and pulpit-worthy, the students are introduced to various co-curricular activities/programs. These among others include:
The Preachers Club:
This program is designed to enable the students showcase their hermeneutical and homiletical knowledge as they are critiqued and evaluated by instructors in order to hone their preaching skills and make them better pulpit handlers.
Missions Club:
This is designed and aimed at exposing and encouraging students on the missional responsibility of the Church.
NCBC’s fish and pig farms will continue to help our students with skills in aqua-culture and pig farming, respectively. NCBC has a World Bible School Study centre through which individuals are enrolled into the World Bible School and souls won for Christ.
With your support we can do more. Enrol into NCBC’s programmes today! Let your wards, relatives and friends enrol into our programmes today. Continue to pray for us. May God bless you. The Provost, staff and students of NCBC use this medium to express our profound gratitude to all the donors, for their support and prayers all these years. May God bless you and be with us all as we continue to do His work in Christ’s dear name, Amen.
Joe N. Obinna
Provost, NCBC
Events Done
Who We Are?
We are a Bible school committed to providing a spiritually enriching and educational environment that nurtures faith-based learning and inspiration. Our values include, and are not limited to: